Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Explain The Conflict Between Obedience To Authority And...

Obedience to authority is a strong matter but also a complicated one. When someone tells us, what do and when we do it, we are being obedient to the person who told us to do it. We as people have a problem with listening to others just because of their hierarchy or structural form. But we need to realize that it’s not always best for us to listen, because not everyone is right when they speak their ideas. But then it’s also bad for people not to listen as well cause this itself can cause problems. When people start to not listen we have chaos because rules won’t be followed, riots could start, and damage will happen. I believe its good for people to stay with a social order and not step to far out of boundaries, but we need to be careful†¦show more content†¦They used two rooms in the Yale Interaction Laboratory, one for the participant, which had the electric chair, then the second held the teacher and experimenter with the electric shock generator. The y strapped the participant to the chair and hooked him up, they gave him a list of words to learn. Next, the teacher would test him by asking the participants to recall an identical word from a list of four possible choices. So, with every mistake made by the patient he would receive a shock, then would increase the level after each mistake. So, the participant would then give a wrong answer on purpose so he would be forced to receive the shock and when the teacher refused to give the shock the experimenter had four orders he read one after the next. These orders just kept informing the teacher that the experiments should continue, no matter the reason. The thing is that the participants believed they were shocking a person when they weren’t. The end results show that ordinary people will follow the rules of an authority figure, even if they were told to kill. He said that growing up well all have this obedience to authority in us and that we will follow whomever has power mo rally right or legally based. Ethics in research is when you start to use people as your test rats to get results for your experiment. They say it’s not good to do this because it can have ethical, legal, and maybe social issues against someone. I don’t believe this experiment hasShow MoreRelatedErich Fromm s Disobedience As A Psychological And Moral Problem891 Words   |  4 PagesErich Fromm wrote Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem, in 1963, an essay detailing balance between obedience and disobedience. Fromm cited that authority figures insisted obedience as a virtue and disobedience as a vice. He argued that disobedience began human history itself and necessary to continue it. Fromm first discussed a Biblical example: the story of Adam and Eve. Humans were in harmony with nature, yet still in their infancy. 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