Friday, December 27, 2019

When I Woke Up Tuesday It Was Friday Es - 1752 Words

Rachel VanDemark September 11, 2014 Expository Writing 101:ND Paper #1 The Sanity Behind Insanity In the face on impending danger, the human brain resorts to primitive instinct to seek salvation. Instincts that drive humans to run from fires, fight off attackers, and hide from their worst nightmares. When those nightmares live deep inside their own minds rather than outside the body, the only way to escape them is through dissociation. Dissociation, the process of disconnecting one’s conscious awareness from his or her physical being to achieve a state of being â€Å"away† from reality, provides average humans with a relief from the brutalities of everyday life and victims and witnesses of serious traumas a way to avoid their memories.†¦show more content†¦Nearly every human, at some point in time, finds him or herself completing a task so habitual that it requires no conscious effort at all. During this time, the individual’s consciousness dissociates from the bodily task at hand. If not as common during one’s adult life, every child ex periences divided awareness. Stout makes the critical point, â€Å"In the interest of play, a child can, in a heartbeat, leave himself behind, become someone or something else, or several things at once. [†¦] It is clear to anyone who really looks that normal children derive unending joy form their superior ability to leap out of their ‘selves’ and go somewhere else, be other things† (430). Only a process with such innate and biological foundation such as dissociation appears in early childhood in the majority of average children. The frequency of childhood dissociation proves that the brain innately utilizes the process as a means of escaping the current reality for a variety of reasons, especially to protect against traumatic memories. Although many people tend to dissociate to varying degrees, everyone experiences dissociation to a certain extent. This point clearly illustratesShow MoreRelatedBhopal Gas Disaster84210 Words   |  337 Pagesvictim - a sum too small to pay for most medical bills. In 1996, t elve years after the disaster, Union Carbide became part of the Dow Chemical w Corporation, which flatly refused to assume any liabilities in India - or clean up the toxic poisons left behind saying that it was the responsibility of the Madhya Pradesh state government which had taken over the site. Today twenty five years since that fateful night, lakhs of people still living in the vicinity of the factory are exposed to toxic chemicalsRead MoreShes Dating the Gangster149221 Words   |  597 PagesHe s not my first love and I m NOT his first love. Definitely not.   So what is it that made me love and cling to him this much?   Well, he s irritating, loud, and he s not sweet! He s weird, he smokes, he drinks, he goes clubbing on a weekday, and he fights and bullies a lot. Take note, A LOT. He is very moody and a bit blunt. Oh yeah, he even threatened to kill me. -- for short, HE IS A GANGSTER. NO he s not a criminal, a mobster, a hoodlum or a thug. I have my own definition of a

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Essay The Long Term Effects of Stress - 513 Words

The Long Term Effects of Stress The long term effects of stress on the human body are generally negative. Stress can be a positive, as it enables us to respond to danger quickly, but continued stress places stress on the body causing diseases such as cardio-vascular problems, ulcers, problems with digestion and illness. The most common problem caused by stress is heart disease, more specifically cardiovascular problems. One very common effect when you develop cardiovascular problems is high blood pressure. You can also develop coronary heart disease which involves a narrowing of the hearts arteries. There have been very few studies into this area of stress as the effects can be life†¦show more content†¦The human body develops problems with digestion because when under stress we use energy, lowering out blood sugar level. Therefore the stomach tells your body that you need more sugar. When placed under stress however, your appetite disappears. So the stomach creates more hydrochloric acid, which is not being used up. This acid wears down the walls in your stomach, causing ulcers. This is all controlled by the SAM. There has only been one major study into ulcers, by Brady (1958). He performed an experiment on two monkeys. Many people believed for a long time that this was this study was definitive proof that stress caused ulcers. It was backed up by Weiner et al in 1957. He used army recruits under stressful training conditions. At the end of the study fourteen percent of the recruits had developed ulcers. Marshall et al (1985) disagreed however. He believed that it was actually a bacterium called helicobacter pylori. He was so convinced that he infected himself with it, and developed stomach ulcers. Another effect of prolonged stress to the body is mental stress, because you are getting less oxygen to your brain. People who experience a high level of stress for a long time-and who cope poorly with this stress-may become irritable, socially withdrawn, and emotionally unstable. They may also have difficulty concentrating and solving problems. SomeShow MoreRelatedStress : Short And Long Term Effects Of Stress Essay1847 Words   |  8 PagesStress: Short and Long term effects Someone once said, â€Å"Stress is an enduring dilemma that arises in each and everyone’s life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living.† Suitable to the insignificant complications, which materialize in people’s regular lives. Substantial stress can result from pressure. Individuals encounter and manage stress in multiple different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous ranging from what is stress, psychological effects, leading to shortRead MoreEssay on Stress Management649 Words   |  3 PagesStress Management Responses to stressors present different impacts on each individual. 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To define stress would be â€Å"A stateRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Mental Health1550 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Stress is defined by the National Institute of Mental Health as the brain s answer to any demand. Many things can set off this reaction, including change. For most people, temporary levels of stress drop soon after the stimulus has passed. For others, the symptoms of anxiety continue well after the distressing circumstance is over (National Institute of Mental Health). Stress can lead to memory retention problems, and memory recall problems, in turn impacting ones work, social interactionsRead MoreEshkevari Et Al. Investigate The Effects Of Electroacupunture In Cold Depression Case Study1012 Words   |  5 Pagesal. investigate the effects of electroacupunture (EA) treatment at stomach meridian point 36 (St36) in rats exposed to stress. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Fictional fantasy Essay Example For Students

Fictional fantasy Essay The declaration ‘i got you’ creates an unappreciative tone and an air of resentment. However Steinbeck has represented an ambiguous relationship to indicate George’s personal needs for having Lennie as company. This becomes evident when George tries to persuade Lennie to stay by saying â€Å"no-look! I was jus’ foolin’ causi want you to stay with me†. Through George’s plea desperation is heard in his voice due to the fear of complete loneliness. The exclamation mark after â€Å"no –look!† may indicate the raising of his voice at the realisation of the important impact Lennie has in his life. This is the impact that has kept George and Lennie together not the promise to Lennie’s ‘Aunt Clara’. Although George acts as a father figure to Lennie to depict Lennie’s needs in reality it is to shadow his ‘want’ and personal needs for Lennie. The ‘want’ is due to George knowing that if he gave Lennie up it would only increase in his loneliness and the fragment of hope that leads him to believe he can achieve the American dream would vanish. As Steinbeck has introduced Curly’s wifewithout a name yet every other character in the book including Crooks, a black man who is isolated from all the other men owns a name. His intentions by doing this are to reflect the status of women in the 1930s and to depict the treatment of her husband towards her. During this time women were seen as possessions and owned by their husbands. As a result of women relying on their husbands for provisions it allowed men to have a stronger hold of them. This is shown when Curly finds his wife dead, at the mention of staying with her to mourn her death ‘his face reddened’ and he said â€Å"I’m goin†. His reasons for leaving her is not because he wants to take revenge for her death but because he’s still trying to highlight his masculinity, this is interpreted as Curly uses the repetition of the word ‘big’ when describing Lennie to indicate that the killing of Lennie would only boost his self-image. Steinbeck has done this to demonstrate her loneliness even after her death and to confirm the deficient relationship between curly and his wife. This emphasises to the reader that women did not have any status to such a degree that they were treated like cattle since they were used for the personal needs of men. The demise of Curly’s wife symbolises the death of her dreams. As a result of this the affirmation that the American dream was that of a fictional fantasy and that the people during this era made up fantasies to present themselves with hope. Although her dream is now dead Steinbeck has shown the reader that the death has relieved her of an existence full of distress and loneliness. ‘The meanness andthe plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone fromher face.’ Depicts this new found freedom. Steinbeck has used the rule of three with the words ‘meanness’ ‘plannings’ and ‘discontent’. He has assigned her these qualities to cover up her suffering and isolation. Likewise Lennie’s death also illustrates the death of a dream and emphasises the fantasy of the dream. But unlike curlys wife George is not set free from a burden but has become trapped in the world of a typical ranch worker. This is exemplified when George reminds Lennie of their dream and thatthey’ll â€Å"live on the fatta the lan’.† In doing so he is additionally reminding himself of what is being lost with the intention of reliving his dream before it is killed. .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 , .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .postImageUrl , .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 , .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5:hover , .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5:visited , .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5:active { border:0!important; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5:active , .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5 .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua94619d6e45efb7f3ed7401990c5b8b5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo And Juliet - Comparison EssaySteinbeck has used the theme of loneliness to illustrate the similarities between George and Curly’s wife. The main similarity is their masks. The character of George uses his strength as Lennie’s guardian to shield his inner vulnerability as an anxious man who is afraid of what the future holds. Curly’s wife uses her feisty character to hide how unhappy and depressed she is.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Nietzsche on Richard Wagner free essay sample

Evolution of philosophers views on composer (from favorable to critical) as symbolic of his critique of modernist German music, art culture. Nietzsche makes a very critical analysis of the German culture of his time in several of his works, beginning with his assessment of history and culture in The Birth of Tragedy and modified in later works as he rethought his position and changed some of his views. Nietzsche makes a comparison between historical knowledge about past cultures and culture itself. He sees true culture as a unity of the forces of life with the love of form and beauty. Nietzsche considers life as terrible and tragic, but he also views it as transmuted through art, the work of creative genius. Nietzsche discovers the proper role of art in his study of the Greeks, who also knew that life was tragic and terrible but who never gave in to the pessimism that this might entail. We will write a custom essay sample on Nietzsche on Richard Wagner or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Instead, they transmuted life through art. They did this through two different aesthetics, one Dionysian and the..

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Animal Abuse Facts and Information

Animal Abuse Facts and Information Within the animal protection movement, the term animal abuse is used to describe any use or treatment of animals that seems unnecessarily cruel, regardless of whether the act is against the law. The term animal cruelty is sometimes used interchangeably with animal abuse, but animal cruelty is also a legal term that describes acts of animal abuse that are against the law. The state laws that protect animals from abuse are referred to as animal cruelty statutes. Abuse Standards for Farm Animals The term animal abuse can also describe violent or neglectful actions against pets or wildlife. In cases of wildlife or pets, these animals are more likely to be protected or are better protected than farmed animals under the law. If cats, dogs or wild animals were treated the same as cows, pigs, and chickens in factory farms, the people involved would likely be convicted of animal cruelty. Animal advocates consider factory farming practices like debeaking, the use of veal crates or tail docking to be animal abuse, but these practices are legal almost everywhere. While many people would call these practices cruel, they do not constitute animal cruelty under the law in most jurisdictions but fit the term animal abuse in many peoples minds. Animal rights activists oppose not only animal abuse and animal cruelty, but any use of animals. For animal rights activists, the issue is not about abuse or cruelty; its about domination and oppression, no matter how well the animals are treated, no matter how big the cages are, and no matter how much anesthesia they are given before painful procedures. Laws Against Animal Cruelty The legal definition of animal cruelty  varies from state to state, as do the penalties and punishments. Most states have exemptions for wildlife, animals in laboratories, and common agricultural practices, such as debeaking or castration. Some states exempt rodeos, zoos, circuses and pest control. Others may have separate laws banning practices like cockfighting, dogfighting, or horse slaughter. If someone is found guilty of animal cruelty, most states provide for the seizure of the animals and reimbursement for expenses for the animals care. Some allow counseling or community service as part of the sentencing, and about half have felony penalties. Federal Tracking of Animal Cruelty Although there are no federal statutes against animal abuse or animal cruelty, the FBI tracks and collects information about acts of animal cruelty from participating law enforcement agencies across the country. These can include neglect, torture, organized abuse and even sexual abuse of animals. The FBI used to include acts of animal cruelty into an all other offenses category, which did not give much insight into the nature and frequency of such acts.   The FBIs motivation for tracking acts of animal cruelty stems from the belief that many who practice such behavior may also be abusing children or other people. Many high-profile serial killers began their violent acts by harming or killing animals, according to law enforcement.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

12 Things to Do When You Dont Feel Inspired to Write

12 Things to Do When You Dont Feel Inspired to Write Weve all been there. The assignment has been given and youve done your research. Or you know the story you want to write- its just time to start writing it.Then the words wont happen. You stare at a blank screen and think, Maybe if I try hard enough, theyll just start flowing. So, you think harder and you stare even harder, but writers block seems a very real thing, despite its doubters. What do you do when you dont feel the inspiration to write?Heres a list of 12 things you can do right now to smash your writers block to smithereens.Read a bookStephen King once wrote, If you dont have time to read, you dont have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that. So, there are two things that reading a book will do for you if you find yourself without inspiration to write. First, if its a well written one, it will show you what you need to do to craft a good story. Second, it will clear your head (and your schedule) for a few minutes to allow inspiration to flow easier.Go for a walkTh ere are several beneficial things that happen to your brain when you exercise. This particular study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition showed that walking affects the brain by encouraging a free flow of ideas, making it a great way to get the creative juices flowing when you dont feel inspired to write.Drink a glass of wineFamous alcoholic writers aside, a study in the journal Consciousness Cognition showed that a small amount of alcohol can indeed help a writer be more creative. The studys lead author, Dr. Mathias Benedek, said there were two possible reasons alcohol makes creativity happen. First, it helps you to not be fixated on a problem, as it makes it more difficult to focus, helping your mind get unstuck from its fixation. Second, since it distracts you from the central task at hand (writing), it helps the mind work on a more subconscious level, which is where inspiration often happens in the first place. However, the study s authors were quick to point out that moderate to heavy drinkers should expect decreased creativity.Change your environmentSometimes a simple change in your environment is all that is needed to feel inspired to write. If youre indoors and feeling uninspired, try going outdoors. If youre in your office or preferred writing space and still without inspiration, light a candle, open a window, turn a fan on, change the lighting- do something to alter your environment. Even the slightest change in environment will encourage your brain to reset from whatever mode its stuck in, and hopefully move it toward a more creative process. Or check out this article for 10 unexpected places that can inspire you to write.Do the 30 Circles TestThis creative exercise, developed by Bob McKim and later featured on Tim Browns TEDTalk on creativity, is a quick way to exercise your brain and encourage it to go into a more creative mode. First, draw 30 circles on a piece of paper, like this:30 Circles Testâ € ¯Next, start a timer at 3 minutes and see how many designs you can incorporate into each of the circles that are varied and unique. The goal is quantity of circles filled rather than quality of your sketches. For example, the first circle might be a globe, while the next circle could be a sun. Continue drawing in each of the circles until the 3 minutes is up and see how many you can complete within that timeframe.Wash the dishes or [insert random chore here]Distraction can work against you but can also be a good thing if youre waiting on inspiration to strike. Getting away from your laptop, moving around, and completing a chore or two not only resets your mind away from the blank page and more toward getting things done- it also makes your house a lot cleaner on particularly unproductive writing days. If nothing else, thats making lemonade of lemons!Drink a cup of coffeeIts no secret among writers and creatives- coffee is where its at when creative energy is low. And theres scie nce to back this up. For example, in this study published in Nature Neuroscience, scientists found that caffeine strengthens electrical signals in rats hippocampus. This means that coffee has the potential to strengthen synapses associated with creativity and in moderate doses, can help a writer get past the uninspired moments.Eat chocolateThere are a ton of medical and mental benefits to eating chocolate, including benefiting creativity. Dont believe me? Check out this study published by the Journal of Nutrition. Dark chocolate is especially healthy, with just the right amount of caffeine and serotonin-boosting chemicals to set your brain in high creative gear.Write anywayMany writers believe that if you just start putting words on a page, theyll end up turning into something good. Its the something is better than nothing philosophy, and at the very least, is a stream-of-consciousness exercise that forces the brain to get into creative mode. A lot of writers have made a decent livi ng and name for themselves with this kind of unedited, spur-of-the-moment prose (Hunter S. Thompson, for example)- perhaps because they saw the benefit of it to get a writer out of self-doubting and self-editing habits.MeditateProponents of meditation have long sung its praises in how it affects their minds and bodies. Now, there is research out of Leiden University in the Netherlands, which studied two types of mediation and how it affected a persons creative functioning. After assigning two types of meditation to the study participants, focused-attention (focusing on your breath) and open-monitoring (focusing on inner and outer states), the studys authors showed that participants who practiced open-monitoring meditation were better able to come up with new or divergent ideas.Eat fatty fishFatty fish like salmon, halibut, and tuna are a great natural source for Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to the many diseases Omega-3 acids have been found to help protect the body against, Omeg a-3s also provide the building blocks for DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). DHA makes up a large part of the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain responsible for†¯memory, language, abstraction, creativity, judgment, emotion and attention. DHA also supports neurotransmitter health, involving dopamine, serotonin, GABA, and acetylcholine.Turn off your computer and go do something else- anything elseThe power of distraction is significant if you can manage to not be distracted too much. One study published in Psychological Science used an incubation paradigm to assess whether performance on validated creativity problems can be facilitated by engaging in either a demanding task or an undemanding task that maximizes mind wandering. Put simply, the researchers tried distracting the studys participants with a hard task and an easy task to encourage creative output and found that simple, nondemanding tasks allow the mind to be distracted just enough to encourage creative problem solving.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Functional Health Pattern Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Functional Health Pattern - Essay Example Functional Health Pattern is used in the process of collecting data that are helpful in formulating the diagnoses and inventions of planning. Community Health Assessment (CHAT) article, addresses issues associated with community nursing and diagnosis, and how health promotion projects should be implemented and evaluated. With the emphasis of current issues about health promotion among people, nurses need to get acquaintance with various activities that should be used in the promotion of various health issues in society. It is important for the students undertaking baccalaureate to learn the assessing process of the community these enable them to promote community health needs (Rankin et al, 2005). In the senior level of the promotion course, students mostly work in very small groups when assessing a community. They develop nursing tips and plan interventions basing them on diagnosis. Each of the students selected the health promotion in the community, implement and evaluate the results (Fitzpatrick & Meredith, 2006). The data collection was utilized to acquire usable and important information about the client population and society’s health. The tools used to obtain the data are as follows; firstly, demographical data acquired through census data, agencies, magazines, website, and public health department. The tables used included age, sex, ethnicity, persons as per the homestead, a structure of the house, education attainment, level of income, and access to health facilities. The table was to be included in the assignment. In the narration of the assignment, one had to interpret the data used in the tables. Secondly, Windshield Survey was used to find all the details and information necessary when obtaining data.